Zebra/ Quagga Mussel Locations
Source: U.S. Geological Survely, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, 4/2013
EarthTec is a proven, reliable and environmentally responsible solution to recurring algae blooms that can create a real problem in the maintenance of lakes, ponds and fountains.
EarthTec will rapidly and evenly self-disperse throughout the body of water to which it is applied — without mixing or agitation, minimizing equipment and labor costs. Regardless of the dilution rate, the active ingredient in EarthTec will always be uniformly distributed.
Lake and pond water may be used immediately following treatment for irrigation without harm to plants or grass. EarthTec® may also be used in fish-bearing ponds at prescribed application rates.
Note: Both solutions contain equal amounts of copper. Copper testing was done with a DR-3000 Spectrophotometer.
In wastewater treatment, EarthTec brings science and nature together by enhancing the bacterial action of a typical treatment system. When the copper in EarthTec penetrates a bacterial cell wall and membrane, it acts on the sites of RNA, proteins and metabolic enzymes disrupting the bacteria's replication process. EarthTec controls odors as its cupric ions disrupt the proliferation of bacteria, including the proteolytic bacteria which are responsible for producing ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful gases.
EarthTec self-disperses rapidly and evenly without mixing or agitation minimizing your equipment and labor costs. The copper will not precipitate out of solution but will remain fully dissolved indefinitely without adding to bottom sediment.
In wastewater facilities out of compliance with EPA standards, treatment of lagoons with EarthTec results in:
• Reduction of Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
• Reduction of BOD in effluent
• Reduction of Fecal/Coli readings
• Stabilization of pH values due to reduction in algae blooms
• Significant odor reduction
• Decrease in chlorine demand
When algae and bacteria become an upstream battle, EarthTec is a proven and reliable solution with a large variety of applications. EarthTec is a highly soluble, low pH algicide/bactericide* designed for use in lakes, ponds, reservoirs, sedimentation basins, irrigation canals, treatment lagoons and other water systems.
The active ingredient in EarthTec is a highly biological active form of cupric ion (Cu++). EarthTec contains a unique hydrotrope resulting in a greater concentration of these ions under varying water conditions.
Unlike all other copper sulfate products available today, the copper in EarthTec is already fully dissolved, and more importantly, the release of the cupric ion is controlled by biological demand instead of water conditions. These unique characteristics allow you to achieve long term control of algae and bacteria without overtreatment. Until they encounter their targets, the copper ions in EarthTec remain suspended indefinitely without settling out or adding to bottom sediment. The self-dispersing properties of EarthTec® allow even distribution without spraying, mixing or agitation.
EarthTec is not harmful to humans, animals or fish when used as directed. EarthTec is registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as an algicide/bactericide.* Additionally, EarthTec is Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 60 as a drinking water additive.
Less Algae
EarthTec is a highly soluble, low pH algicide/bactericide* containing a high concentration of biologically active cupric ions. Conventional methods involve treating for algae after a bloom occurs, resulting in the need for high treatment levels and damage to non-target species. EarthTec allows long term control and will prevent blooms from reoccurring without copper buildup.
Control of algae and reduction of bacteria can yield several benefits:
• Eliminates taste and odor in water due to algae
• Reduces THM and HAA precursors
• Reduces/eliminates use of other water treatment chemicals
Less Work
The dark blue liquid solution self-disperses, allowing even distribution without spraying or mixing, which greatly reduces labor costs.
Less Copper
The high content of biologically active copper in EarthTec results in less total copper being added to the environment. The copper will not precipitate out of solution, but will remain fully dissolved indefinitely, thereby ensuring long-term algae control without over treatment.
Clean Water Solutions
EarthTec QZ (QZ) is an EPA-approved molluscicide for prevention and control of quagga and zebra mussels. QZ’s unique liquid formulation is proven effective at exterminating adult mussels and preventing settlement and infestation by larval-stage veligers.
QZ is NSF-certified to ANSI Standard 60 for drinking water, making it one of the safest approaches available at controlling the spread and infestation of this devastating species. EarthTec QZ can be applied in lakes, reservoirs and pipelines. It is a self-dispersing product that is 100% bioavailable. The zebra mussels do not detect a threat and readily ingest the QZ. Studies have confirmed 100% mortality within a 48-96 hr period of time. It has also shown to be effective at concentrations that are safe for most fish and other non-target organisms.
• It is a liquid formulation and is self-dispersing, thus greatly reducing time and labor for application
• Reduces TOC and precursors of THMs and HAAs, so an attractive alternative to pre-chlorination; does not lead to disinfection by-products
• Reduces taste and odor, such as geosmin
• Reduces demand for downstream addition of alum, activated carbon, chlorine and ozone
• EarthTec is NSF-approved for drinking water, reservoirs, lakes, irrigation canals, and even for swimming pools & spas (under another name and label). It's also approved for raw water intakes and sedimentation basins within water treatment plants.
• The copper is formulated in the biologically-active form (as cupric ion, Cu++), and stays in solution until it encounters a cell wall to bind to and penetrate, so virtually 100% of the copper applied is effective, with no copper or other waste precipitating into bottom sediments.
• Long history of effective use with no negative impacts on fish and other non-targets.
Chameleon Industries is the sole distributor of EarthTec products in the state of Texas. We deliver EarthTec in 55 gallon drums, 275 gallon totes, and bulk truckloads.
Chameleon Industries Inc. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.